Wednesday, November 27, 2019
7 Bioteknologi og genteknologi Essays - , Term Papers
7 : Bioteknologi og genteknologi 7:1 Bioteknologi og genteknologi Levende organismer og DNA er verktoy I tusenvis av ar har vi brukt mikroorganismer til a fa brod til a heve og a lage ost, til gjaring av ol og vin og til produksjon av surmelk produkter. Dette kalles bioteknologi, og har pagatt i mange tusenvis av ar. Bioteknologi brukes for alt der vi bruker mikroorganismer, planteceller eller dyreceller til a lage produkter som er nyttige eller nodvendige for oss. Tradisjonell jordbruk og fiske regnes ikke som bioteknologi. Genteknologi - bioteknologi med nye muligheter Fra gammelt av har vi valgt ut de individene med onskede egenskaper og bruke disse individene til avl, dette er den tradisjonelle metoden for a endre egenskapene til planter og dyr. Denne metoden tar lang tid og lite presise. I midten av 1970-arene har forskerne lart a arbeide direkte med gener. De har kartlagt arvestoffet DNA, men ogsa metoder som gjor det mulig a "klippe og lime" gener. Pa denne maten har de kunne gi mikroorganismer, planter og dyr helt nye eller forsterke egenskaper. Dette er eksempler pa det vi kaller genteknologi. Genmodifiserte organismer, GMO, er organismer som har fatt endret eller fatt nye gener. Hvis disse nye genene som er satt inn kommer fra andre arter kaller vi det transgenene organismer. Moderne bioteknologi er metoder eller fagomrader der genteknologi inngar i storre eller mindre grand. F.eks. stamcelleforsknong, kloning, kartlegging av gener, ulike metoder for kunstig stamcelleforskning og produksjon av legemidler og vaksiner. 67310850900184150202565 Genteknologi: Genteknologi er teknikker det man isolerer og kartlegger DNA modifiserer (forandrer) gener. Klipper ut og flytter gener fra en organisme til en annen og far dem til a virke der. Bioteknologi: Bioteknologi er all teknologien som bruker levende celler til a lage produkter.Moderne bioteknologi er et samlebegrep pa fagomrader og metoder der genteknologi inngar i storre eller mindre gras. Genmodifisert organisme, GMO:organismer som har fatt forandret pa genene sine eller fatt satt inn nye gener, kaller vi genmodifiserte organismer 0 Genteknologi: Genteknologi er teknikker det man isolerer og kartlegger DNA modifiserer (forandrer) gener. Klipper ut og flytter gener fra en organisme til en annen og far dem til a virke der. Bioteknologi: Bioteknologi er all teknologien som bruker levende celler til a lage produkter.Moderne bioteknologi er et samlebegrep pa fagomrader og metoder der genteknologi inngar i storre eller mindre gras. Genmodifisert organisme, GMO:organismer som har fatt forandret pa genene sine eller fatt satt inn nye gener, kaller vi genmodifiserte organismer Etikk og lovverk - det dreier seg om hvor grensen gar Genteknologien gir oss mange nye muligheter. Men ogsa mange nye sporsmal som vi ma ta stilling til. Muligheten for at ny viten skal misbrukes. Regjeringen har opprettet et radgivende organ som skal treffe kloke valg, dette radet kalles bioteknologiradet. De vurderer faglige, etiske, miljomessige og sikkerhetsmessige sporsmal knyttet til moderne bioteknologi. Det er sarlig to lover som er viktige for hvordan vi arbeider med moderne bioteknologi i Norge: Genteknologiloven regulerer framstillingen og bruk av genmodifiserte organismer. Bioteknologiloven handler om a sikre at medisinsk bruk av bioteknologi blir utnyttet til beste for alle mennesker. Bioteknologi blir regulert av mange andre lover ogsa, for eksempel naringsmiddelloven og lov om dyrevern. 7:2 Genmodifiserte organismer Nye egenskaper pa nye mater Bakterier var de forste organismene som fikk overfort nye gener, fordi de formerer seg raskt og er derfor lette a jobbe med, og er derfor brukt mye innenfor genteknologien. Det er ogsa fordi det ikke er sa mange protester mot a forske pa disse organismene. Teknikken Forskerne bruker nar de overforer gener til et organisme, kaller vi genspleising. Genspleisingenes verktoy - plasmider, enzymer og bakterier 7:5 DNA-analyser, gentester og genterapi Medisinsk bruk av genteknologi Et menneske har litt over 20 000 gener. Det er bare en liten del av DNA-et som virker som gener og bestemmer egenskapene vare. Vi vet ikke sikkert hva resten gjor. Disse delene av DNA-molekylene har sma omrader, "fingeravtrykk", som varierer mye fra art til art og fra individ til individ. Analyser av dette DNA- et blir brukt til a identifisere personer og organismer. En annen type DNA-tester er analyser av genene vare. Sanne gentester kan etterhvert fortelle oss mye om zzaA Sporsmal: 7:1 Bioteknologi og genteknologi Hva bruker vi mikroorganismer til?Hevemiddel i brod, lage ost, gjaring av ol og vin, til a lage surmelks produkter. Er bioteknologi noe som
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Population Biology Basics
Population Biology Basics Populations are groups of individuals belonging to the same species that live in the same region at the same time. Populations, like individual organisms, have unique attributes such as growth rate, age structure, sex ratio, and mortality rate Populations change over time due to births, deaths, and the dispersal of individuals between separate populations. When resources are plentiful and environmental conditions appropriate, populations can increase rapidly. A populations ability to increase at its maximum rate under optimal conditions is called its biotic potential. Biotic potential is represented by the letter r when used in mathematical equations. Keeping the Population in Check In most instances, resources are not unlimited and environmental conditions are not optimal. Climate, food, habitat, water availability, and other factors keep population growth in check due to environmental resistance. The environment can only support a limited number of individuals in a population before some resource runs out or limits the survival of those individuals. The number of individuals that a particular habitat or environment can support is referred to as the carrying capacity. Carrying capacity is represented by the letter K when used in mathematical equations. Growth Characteristics Populations can sometimes be categorized by their growth characteristics. Species whose populations increase until they reach the carrying capacity of their environment and then level off are referred to as K-selected species. Species whose populations increase rapidly, often exponentially, quickly filling available environments, are referred to as r-selected species. Characteristics of K-selected species include: Late maturationFewer, larger youngLonger life spansMore parental careIntense competition for resources Characteristics of r-selected species include: Early maturationNumerous, smaller youngShorter lifespansLess parental careA little competition for resources Population Density Some environmental and biological factors can influence a population differently depending on its density. If population density is high, such factors become increasingly limiting on the success of the population. For example, if individuals are cramped in a small area, the disease may spread faster than it would if population density were low. Factors that are affected by population density are referred to as density-dependent factors. There are also densitys of density-independent factors might include a change in temperature such as an extraordinarily cold or dry winter. Intra-Specific Competition Another limiting factor on populations is intra-specific competition which occurs when individuals within a population compete with one another to obtain the same resources. Sometimes intra-specific competition is direct, for example when two individuals vie for the same food, or indirect, when one individuals action alters and possibly harms the environment of another individual. Populations of animals interact with each other and their environment in a variety of ways. One of the primary interactions a population has with its environment and other populations is due to feeding behavior. Types of Herbivores The consumption of plants as a food source is referred to as herbivory and the animals that do this consuming are called herbivores. There are different types of herbivores. Those that feed on grasses are referred to as grazers. Animals that eat leaves and other portions of woody plants are called browsers, while those that consume fruits, seeds, sap, and pollen are called frugivores. Predators and Prey Populations of carnivorous animals that feed on other organisms are called predators. The populations on which predators feed are called prey. Often, predator and prey populations cycle in a complex interaction. When prey resources are abundant, predator numbers increase until the prey resources wane. When prey numbers drop, predator numbers dwindle as well. If the environment provides adequate refuge and resources for prey, their numbers may again increase and the cycle begins again. Competing Species The concept of competitive exclusion suggests that two species that require identical resources cannot coexist in the same location. The reasoning behind this concept is that one of those two species will be better adapted to that environment and be more successful, to the point of excluding the lesser species from the environment. Yet we find that many species with similar requirements do coexist. Because the environment is varied, competing species can use resources in different ways when competition is intense, thus allowing space for one another. When two interacting species, for example, predator and prey, evolve together, they can influence the evolution of the other. This is referred to as coevolution. Sometimes coevolution results in two species that influence (both positively or negatively) from each other, in a relationship referred to as symbiosis. The various types of symbiosis include: Parasitism: One species (parasite) benefits more than the other species (host).Commensalism: One species benefits while a second species is neither helped nor injured.Mutualism: Both species benefit from the interaction.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Financial strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Financial strategy - Essay Example In the recent past, companies are adopting the value based management approach which is a formal systematic approach used in managing companies with an aim of achieving the objective of maximizing value creation and shareholder value (Chapman, Hopwood, & Shields, 2009, p. 1248). Value based management focuses on the key drivers of value thus helping companies achieve their objectives (Starovic, Cooper, & Davis, 2004, 2004, p.15-17). Increasing focus on core competencies has forced companies to outsource some services to ensure that they remain relevant in terms of their revenues and expenditure in comparison with their competitors. Knowing a companyââ¬â¢s position is important because it is useful in defining and redefining strategies to improve profit margins and to capitalize on companyââ¬â¢s strengths to enhance shareholder value creation (Starovic, Cooper, & Davis, 2004, 2004, p.10-17). Various methods have been used to measure the shareholderââ¬â¢s value but the most co mmonly used are the profitability analysis, Strategic Profit Mode (SPM), and the Economic Value Added (EVA) method. One of the common methods used to measure profitability is Return On Capital Employed (ROCE) which is the operating profit after tax divide by the net capital employed. However, a major criticism on this method is that it does not measure operating profits and capital employed the way investors do. Investors are concerned about economic profits and the amount of debt and equity invested in the business but these amounts may disagree with those used in companyââ¬â¢s financial statements because of the accounting practices in use. For instance, accounting reserves which have to be accounted for in financial statements tend to understate economic profits and the amount of equity capital actually invested in the business. ROCE provides little guidance on the profitability level because of its shortcomings. Given the shortcomings of ROCE, SPM and EVA models are preferred because they enable the company to focus on shareholder value and provide a long-term orientation in their analysis. SPM and EVA are reliable, consistent, and therefore preferred over ROCE method. The Strategic Profit Model (SPM) measures the Return On Net Worth (RONW) of a company which is a tool used to measure the changes in the shareholder value in an organization. RONW is made of three components, which include net profit, asset turnover, and financial leverage. These components are used in the calculation of RONW and they can be controlled by the managers of a company (Viswanadham and Luthra, 2005, p.478). Net profit is the difference between sales and expenses and from it net profit margin is calculated which measures how efficiently a company manufactures and sells its products. Net profit margin is the net profit as a percentage of sales. Asset turnover is the sales divided by the total assets of a company and it shows how efficiently a company employs its assets to achiev e a given level of sales. The Return On Assets (ROA) is arrived at by multiplying the net profit margin with the asset turnover and it relates the profitability of a company to the value of assets employed. The financial leverage of a company provides the relationship between the total
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